Confidentiality Agreement between Employee...
This Agreement is concluded between the Employee and the Employer. The Employer agrees to give the Employee access to certain confidential information relating to the ...
Confidentiality Agreement between Website ...
This document is used when the parties (website developer and client) wish to establish terms governing the use and protections of certain information that either part...
Confidentiality Agreement for Data Process...
This Agreement is made between the Contractor and the Company whereby the Contractor agrees to provide certain data processing services to the company. Commonly used i...
Confidentiality Agreement for Logistic Ser...
This document is used when a company imports goods from overseas and has need of a Logistics Service Provider to help manage and coordinate the importing process. Com...
Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Agreement
This document is made between the disclosing party and the recipient. It is used when the recipient wishes to obtain information from the disclosing party and the the ...
Consent of Directors
A document giving consent by the directors to take a specific action. Commonly used in Country/Region: Internationally