Limited Guarantee
This Agreement is concluded between the Creditor and the Guarantor acting on behalf of the Customer. By signing this Agreement the Guarantor guarantees to the Creditor...
Limited Partnership Agreement
A document made between the General Partner and the Limited Partners that evidences the agreement and certificate of Limited Partnership.Commonly used in country/regio...
Limited Partnership Agreement for Investme...
This document is used to form a partnership with a purpose to invest and trade, on margin or otherwise, in capital stock, bonds, notes, debentures, and other obligatio...
Limited Partnership Agreement for Multiple...
This document is used to form a Limited Liability Partnership with a purpose of acquisition, ownership, development of, operation and management of multiple housing pr...
Limited Partnership To Acquire, Hold, Mana...
An Agreement used for a limited partnership that looks to acquire, hold, operate, improve, lease, sell and otherwise manage the real property. Commonly used in countr...
Loan Agreement
An Agreement concluded between the Borrower and the Lender that sets out the terms and conditions of a loan. Commonly used in country/region: EU, Internationally