Services Agreement with Commission or Roya...

An Agreement made between the company and the Service Provider whereby the company wishes to retain Service Provider to provide certain services on terms and condition...

Settlement Agreement

An Agreement concluded between the Creditor, the Company and the Debtor that sets the terms and conditions of a settlement.Commonly used in country/region:USA, Canada

Severance Agreement

This Agreement is made between an Employee and an Employer. This is used when both parties are interested in an amicable severance of their employer/employee relations...

Share Exchange Agreement

This Agreement is concluded between two parties - the Vendor and the Buyer. The Vendor agrees to sell his shares to the Buyer and the Agreement sets out terms and cond...

Share Purchase Agreement

This Agreement is concluded between two parties - the Vendor and the Purchaser. The Vendor is the holder of record as trustee of certain amount of ordinary shares and ...

Share Purchase Agreement Prior Incorporation

This Agreement is concluded prior Company incorporation between collective individuals as the Sellers and the legal entity as the Purchaser. The Sellers are the owners...