Software Development and License Agreement

This Agreement is made between the Company and the Customer.The Customer desires for the Company to custom develop and license a certain software and the the Company a...

Software Development and Publishing Agreement

This Agreement is made between the Company, a multimedia software business, and the Developer. The Company desires to hire a developer to develop a multimedia softwar...

Software Distribution Agreement

This Agreement is made between a Company and a Distributor. The Company, a computer software business, agrees to appoint the Distributor as a non-exclusive distributor...

Software Maintenance Agreement

A document concluded between the Service Provider and the Client that sets out the terms and conditions of a software maintenance agreement including Financial Provisi...

Software Maintenance Agreement (Short)

This Agreement is concluded between the First Party and the Second Party. The Second Party wishes to sell to the First Party and the Licensee wishes to purchase from S...

Software Maintenance Agreement with VAR

This Agreement is made between the Company and the Service Provider. The document states that the Company and Service Provider entered into a VAR agreement regarding c...