Standstill Agreement

A document made between the First Party and the Second party that sets the terms and conditions of a Standstill Agreement.Commonly used in country/region:International...

Stock Agreement

This agreement is made between the shareholders and the corporation whereby the shareholder agrees to offer the corporation or remaining shareholders the chance to buy...

Stock Agreement Of Continuing Ownership

This Agreement is concluded between the stockholders and the Company. It is used when the stockholders wish to continue their ownership of the company and agree to res...

Storage Contract

This contract is made between the property owner and the property custodian whereby the owner desires to store with the custodian and the custodian agrees to accept an...

Strategic Alliance and Support Agreement

An Agreement made between two parties that desire to create a Strategic Alliance to merchandise, procure and distribute products. One party agrees to supply the produ...

Subcontract Agreement

This Agreement is concluded between the Contractor and the Subcontractor. This is used when a Contractor desires to retain a Subcontractor to perform contract work for...