Technology Assignment Agreement

This Agreement is concluded between the Company and the Developer. This is used when the Developer agrees to assign to the Company all right, title and interest of the...

Technology License Agreement

This Agreement is made between the Licensor and the Licensee. The Licensor is the owner of certain Technology Rights related to Licensed Subject Matter and the Licen...

Technology Transfer Agreement

This Agreement is made between the Seller and the Purchaser. This is used when the Seller agrees to sell and transfer the rights, titles and interests of the Technolog...

Telecommuting Agreement

This Agreement is concluded between the Employee and the Company. The Employee agrees to participate in a telecommuting program and agrees to follow the guidelines and...

Tenancy Agreement for Lease of Apartment

This document is used to set out terms and conditions of the tenancy agreement. Document includes terms such as payment and frequency of payment, duration of stay, etc...

Tenant Agreement to Terminate Lease

This document is concluded between the Landlord and Tenant. Both the Landlord and Tenant agree to terminate a lease.Commonly used in country/region: USA