Project Manager for IT Department Job Desc...

Job description is an official list of an employee's responsibilities. It includes brief description of a position, task to be performed, qualifications and requiremen...

Purchasing Agent Job Description

Job description is an official list of an employee's responsibilities. It includes brief description of a position, task to be performed, qualifications and requiremen...

Receptionist Job Description

Job description is an official list of an employee's responsibilities. It includes brief description of a position, task to be performed, qualifications and requiremen...

Recommendation Letter

Recommendation Letter is used for the matter of supplying your employees with recommendation and description of his professional qualities. Use this document to provi...

Recommendation Letter for Employee

Recommendation Letter for Employee is used to provide reference for particular employee who wishes to use it for his future employment. Use this document for writing ...

Recruitment Request Form

This form is used to request a specific job position. The information to be filled in includes the information required for all hiring actions,salary information and p...