CEO Job Description

Job description is an official list of an employee's responsibilities. It includes brief description of a position, task to be performed, qualifications and requiremen...

Candidate Evaluation Form

This document is used to evaluate a candidate's qualifications for employment. Commonly used in country/region: Internationally

Career Development Education Planning Form

This document is used to evaluate an employee's competency, knowledge and strategy in the work place with education planning. Commonly used in Country/Region: Internat...

Cashier Job Description

Job description is an official list of an employee's responsibilities. It includes brief description of a position, task to be performed, qualifications and requiremen...

Change in Pay or Grading Following Job Eva...

This letter is used to inform the employee of the company that following the job evaluation review the company decided to promote the employee to the higher position a...

Checklist of New Employee

A form that lists the documents that a new employee needs to complete or has completed before starting work. Commonly used in country/region: EU, Internationally