Demand to Specify Delivery Dates

Formal letter of demand by a buyer to the supplier to confirm delivery arrangements of a previously placed order. Commonly used in country/region: Internationally

Dismissal Letter for Intoxication on the Job

Letter of termination formally advises an Employee that his or her employment has been terminated due to intoxication on the job. Commonly used in country/region: Inte...

Dispute Credit Card Charge Letter

A letter used to dispute a credit card charge that appeared on a billing statement.Commonly used in country/region: USA

Doctors Report

A Letter addressed to an employee's Doctor requesting verification for an employee's absence. Commonly used in country/region: EU, Internationally

Employee Dismissal For Lateness Letter

This Letter is used to notify the employee of their termination due to lateness. Commonly used in country/region: EU, Internationally

Employee Warning Letter

This letter, signed by the Company Representative, is used to warn the employee of their unsatisfactory work performance. Commonly used in country/region: EU, Internat...