Resolution of Board of Directors Annulling...

This resolution is used to repeal a previous resolution of the Board of Directors. Commonly used in country/region: USA

Resolution of Board of Directors Approving...

This resolution serves as a formal confirmation of contract approval by the Board of Directors. Commonly used in country/region: USA

Resolution of Board of Directors Approving...

This resolution is used to formally approve election of the Subchapter S corporation type. Commonly used in country/region: USA

Resolution of Board of Directors Authorizi...

This resolution is used by the Board of Directors to issue formal notification regarding issuing of stock to a specific person. Commonly used in country/region: USA

Resolution of Board of Directors Authorizi...

This resolution is used to formally authorize purchase of real estate. Commonly used in country/region: USA

Resolution of Board of Directors Declaring...

This resolution is used by the Board of Director to inform shareholders about the date and the amount of annual dividend to be paid. Commonly used in country/region:...