Resolution to Authorize Contract

This resolution is used to authorize corporation's entering into agreement with another party. Commonly used in country/region: USA

Resolution to Borrow Capital

This resolution is used to authorize borrowing of the capital by the corporation. Commonly used in country/region: USA

Resolution to Borrow from a Designated Bank

This resolution is used to appoint a specific person to deal with borrowing of sums of money and all related issues with the designated bank. Commonly used in country...

Resolution to Defend Suit

This resolution is used to formally acknowledge legal claims from another company and to confirm that the defense against this claim will go ahead. Commonly used in c...

Resolution to Designate Bank

A document used to formally acknowledge that the Board of Directors have determined it to be in the best interest of the Corporation to establish a banking relationshi...

Resolution to Designate Registered Agent

A document used to formally acknowldge the appointment of a registered agent to the corporation. Commonly used country/region: USA