Promissory Note Loan Repayable in Lump Sum...

This document is used between the borrower(s) and the lender whereby the borrower agrees to repay the entire amount by due date without interest. With Certificate of A...

Promissory Note Loan Repayable in Lump Sum...

This document is used between the borrower(s) and lender whereby the borrower promises to repay the entire amount borrowed with interest by a certain date. Commonly us...

Property Management Agreement

This Agreement is concluded between the Owner (a property owner) and the Agent. The Owner desires to engage the services of the Agent to manage and operate the propert...

Property Purchase Agreement

This Agreement is made between the Vendor and the Purchaser. The Vendor agrees to sell, assign and make over with legal warranty an immoveable property to the Purchase...

Purchase and Sale of Business Agreement

This agreement is used when a company (the Vendor) agrees to sell to another company or individual (the Purchaser) all the undertaking and assets owned by the Vendor i...

Purchasing Agents Agreement

This Agreement is made between the Company, the First Agent and the Second Agent. The Company desires to retain the Agents' services to arrange for the purchase of bul...