Rejection Letter by Employer After Attendi...

A letter used to notify a candidate that the employer has decided to employ another candidate who is better qualified for the job specifications. Commonly used in cou...

Reply to Applicant

A Letter used to notify an applicant that there will be no openings for inquired position at the time they expect to graduate with promise to be contacted should an ap...

Reporting of Injury/Accident Form

This document is used to report an injury or accident in the work place. Commonly used in region: Internationally

Representative of Customer Service Job Des...

Job description is an official list of an employee's responsibilities. It includes brief description of a position, task to be performed, qualifications and requiremen...

Resignation Letter

Resignation Letter is a document used to write a formal notification of your resignation to your employer. Use this document to formally inform your employer of your ...

Resignation Letter (Moving to Another Comp...

This Letter is used by the employee of the company who wishes to resign from his current position. The employee therefore gives to the employer the notice of resignati...