Resolution to Hire Employee

A document used to formally acknowledge an employment offer made by the corporation. Commonly used country/region: USA

Resolution to Terminate an Employee

A document used to formally confirm the termination of an employee. Commonly used country/region: USA

Response to Employees Complaint

A document acknowledging receipt of an employee's complaint letter. Commonly used in country/region: EU, Internationally

Retail Salesperson Job Description

Job description is an official list of an employee's responsibilities. It includes brief description of a position, task to be performed, qualifications and requiremen...

Salary Deduction Authorisation

A document that is used to authorise a salary deduction from each payroll period. Commonly used in country/region: EU, Internationally

Salary Deduction Direct Deposit Authorisation

A document used to authorise a 'direct payroll deduction' or a 'Cancellation of deposit authorisation'. Commonly used in country/region: EU, Internationally