Salary Rise Letter to Employee

A Letter used by the employer to inform the employee of a salary rise. Commonly used in country/region: EU, Internationally

Sales Agent (Real Estate) Job Description

Job description is an official list of an employee's responsibilities. It includes brief description of a position, task to be performed, qualifications and requiremen...

Sales Commission Policy

Policies are the types of employment-related documents that set out course of action for performing particular jobs within the company or provide guidelines and determ...

Sales Personnel Evaluation Form

A document used to evaluate the Sales Performance, Sales Activity and Sales Reports of a sales personnel. Commonly used in country/region: EU, Internationally

Second Letter of Dismissal Procedure

A second letter of dismissal referring to the meeting that discussed dismissal with the decision to terminate employment. Commonly used in country/region: EU, Intern...

Second Warning For Lateness

A Letter used to notify the employee of a second written warning for lateness. If employee fails to improve time-keeping the employer will consider dismissal. Common...